

The following are spontaneous, unsolicited comments taken from emails, letters and cards from patients and their relatives:

‘Thanks to you, I have got my life back. I thought I would have to give up my job, teaching, because I was having vertigo attacks [from Meniere’s] several times a week at completely unpredictable times. Since the [endolymphatic duct blockage] surgery, the vertigo attacks stopped like a tap being turned off. I have not suffered an attack [in the 2 years] since. It is a miracle. I can not thank you enough’
– MS, Upper Norwood

‘I want to say thank you for seeing my daughter. Your calm and reassuring consultation style has greatly reduced her anxiety’
– Mrs KM, Croydon

‘Thank you for carrying out my surgery. I felt confident, cared for and safe in your professional hands. I went to sleep relaxed knowing you would do your best to benefit my hearing’
– Mrs BC, Woldingham

‘thank you for mending Emma’s ear – what a difference it has made to her life. We really appreciate it’
– Mrs CW, Earlsfield

‘Thank you so much! you made my travels even better’
-Ms EM, Earlsfield

‘thank you so much for doing my operation so well’
– Ms MC, aged 9


‘Dear Dr Harris, thank you for fixing my ear. I am very grateful. I will be glad to swim. You are the best doctor ever!’
– Madeleine, aged 8

‘Dear Karen, Just a quick email to say thanks for all your help in the below operation. Dr Harris was amazing and displayed such a human element. Do convey our thanks to him. Mikel is recovering well and back at nursery’
– Mrs AB, Warlingham

‘Dear Robert, just a note to say thank you very much for taking such good care of our son. Sam’s hearing is so much better’
– Mr and Mrs CK, Wimbledon

‘Dear Mr Harris, it was very kind of you to write to me, explaining the operation again. Very daunting, but I feel in safe hands. Again, many thanks, and I can’t wait to get it done’
– Mr RS, Purley

‘Dear Mr Harris, the operation has affected not only me and my wife, but also younger members of my family, with whom I enjoy conversations, where before it was impossible. I cannot thank you enough’
– Mr RS, Purley

you listened to my complicated medical history and really got it spot on. More than anybody else previously, you summarised it perfectly in your medical report. I now take the report to all of my doctor’s appointments’
– Mr CB, Balham

‘Dear Mr Harris, It has been a year since our son Barnaby had his tonsils and adenoids removed. Well, it was great surgery! He made a fantastic recovery and he did not show any signs of pain. Thank you! Post surgery, he wasn’t nauseous and ate normally straight away! So please thanks to the anaesthetic team’
– Mrs AC, Mortlake

‘Dear Mr Harris, Just a few lines to commend you and your team on a superb job. At the initial consultation, Maddie felt very comfortable with you, and very much liked the way you talked directly to her and asked her how she was feeling. She felt in control and was actually looking forward to the surgery, partly because there was a promise of feeling well after so months of illness, but also because she felt confident that you would ‘make everything better’.
– Mrs AL, Oxted

‘Upon my visit you checked everything out and informed me of the problem and gave me treatment. Well you will be pleased to know that all is back to normal now and no more dizziness or lack of hearing. Thank you for all your reassurance at a time when I was rather frightened’
– Mrs MS, Purley

‘Dear Robert, thank you very much indeed for your professional and prompt attention to my ear problem. I am extremely grateful to you for fixing this for me as it had been causing significant pain and discomfort over the past few weeks’
– Prof WA, Richmond

‘you have a unique way about you that is refreshingly courteous and relaxed. My journey from assessment to surgery and post-operative recovery and follow up has been excellent. I can breathe freely through both sides of my nose for the first time in 20 years thanks to your surgical skills’
– Mr GH, Kingston

‘Dear Mr Harris, I wish to thank you and all your team for looking after me during my admission. i appreciated the professional way in which i was treated and in particular the explanation of the problem and treatment. My wife was also very reassured’
– Mr LR, Sutton

‘Dear Mr Harris, just to say a very big thank you for our recent consultation. I am very appreciative of the time in helping over this annoying problem and i am on my way back to my sparkling self’
– Mrs BM, Beckenham

‘Dear Mr Harris, perhaps I could not believe in a miracle, but it is true: I can hear again. You have changed my life and that of my children. I cannot thank you enough. Yours Gratefully’
– Mrs AR, Streatham

‘Dear Rob, thank you for your professional care given to our mother. She is so transformed and such a fan of yours. You have transformed our lives, just wish we’d done it sooner!
– Mrs AR’s daughter

‘Please accept my most sincere thanks for the highly skilled work you have done in my ears. I did find that your attitude was unusually pleasant and in other circumstances we could have become good friends’
– Mr JM, aged 90, Purley

‘Dear Mr Harris, thank you so much for doing my operation so well’
– Millie, aged 10, Wimbledon

‘I thank you for all your kindness and help that you gave my husband over the past few years, he thought very highly of you and was very grateful for all the care given’
– Mrs JR, Purley

‘Dear Dr Harris, thank you for being so helpful and understanding . Phillip is really pleased to hear better. We are intrigued that he is brighter and does not doze off so much’
– Mrs KB , Sanderstead

‘The BAHA has been amazing, I no longer have to rely on hearing on one side and I am able to locate sounds. It sounds like a small thing but it has made a difference to my life especially at work’
– Mrs EW, Wimbledon

‘You have always been very courteous, friendly and informative’
– Mrs ES, Merton Park

‘Dear Rob, my hearing is back to normal thanks to your immediate care and attention’
– Mr PK, Wimbledon

‘Dear Mr Harris, thank you for looking after me’
– Mr AG, Addiscombe

‘Mr Harris, words are not enough to say how grateful I am. Once again thank you very very much for looking after me’
– Mrs GS, Norwood

‘It is around a year ago you performed the Stapedectomy procedure on G’s second ear. The year has passed quickly for us all we`re sure.To say events can change a life is sometimes used inappropriately or without understanding. We feel it is entirely correct for you to know that G’s life has been changed for the better in a way we could only have dreamed of early last year.

On a medical side he has fantastic hearing, and has not had an ear infection since the procedure. His confidence, communication and demean has gone through the roof to such an extent his acceleration in learning at college has given him enough UCASS points to be accepted at university! This was a distant dream not too long ago. He spent last summer abroad looking after disabled children and young adults (no easy task).

In all aspects of his life we have seen a young man blossom. This is all as a direct result of your work, and your ability to identify and remedy the problem with his hearing.He has returned to rowing at university without fear of getting his ears wet, or falling in!

He is an independent, not communicative thoughtful young man whose future is brighter thanks to you.’
– Mr and Mrs CB, Norbury

‘I am really most grateful for your excellent care and kindness with my recent ear problem – your wonderful help made all the difference!’
– Mrs PC, West Wickham

‘Thank you so much for all your help with expert care of my ear – it is greatly appreciated’
– Mrs SW, Balham

‘Dear Mr Harris, thank you for looking after me’
– Akash, aged 7, Coulsdon

‘many many thanks for your kindness and care’
– Mr FS, Wallington

‘many thanks with all your help with my ear. All cleared up now’
– Mr RD, Kingston

‘Dear Mr Harris, thank you for the new ears!!!’
– Mrs FS and family, Kenley

‘Thank you for all your help and understanding my problems, most of all meeting you and all your caring, god bless you’
– Mrs OG, Hayes

‘Just a note to say a big thank you for all your care and compassion throughout my treatment. Surround sound has been restored!!’
– Ms SJ, Bromley

‘thank you so very much, you have given me my life back’
– Mrs IN, Southfields

‘Thank you for making my ear better’
– Cameron, aged 12, Kenley

‘Many thanks – the ear is now fine’
– Mrs NV, Wimbledon

‘thank you so much for your help. Tony is delighted with the outcome of surgery. he says it is like magic when we ask him about it. Thank you once again for giving him the chance. We are full of appreciation’
– S family, Merton

‘Dear Mr Harris, Thanks for changing my life around’
– Mrs SY, Worcester Park

‘Thank you for everything’
– Mrs MD, Morden

It was lovely to see you today and hear the wonderful news that at the age of 90 I am [officially] the oldest recipient of a [CI532] cochlear implant in the world and feel I am so lucky to have you as my Surgeon, thank you very much.
– Mr RK, Biggin Hill