ENT Consultant

Following the outbreak of COVID-19 virus, we want to minimise the need for direct contact and we are offering telephone / video link consultations for both new and follow up clinic patients. Please contact our office to arrange your virtual appointment.


We are a medical practice committed to providing the very best care for adults and children with ear, nose and throat problems in the London and Surrey area.

For Paediatric ENT consultations, please book the appointment for your child directly with Parkside Hospital, or through our office (Shirley Oaks Hospital has discontinued all paediatric appointments)


Ear & Hearing consultant

We pride ourselves on offering all of the latest treatments and technology, and provide a world class service. Find out what hearing solutions may be available to you.

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Nose & Allergy consultant
Feel like you permanently have a cold? We will investigate and treat the underlying cause.

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Throat & voice consultant
Rediscover a life without throat discomfort and hoarseness.

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We provide a specialist Paediatric ENT service, supported by a network of allied professionals, with a family centred, team based approach.

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Our multidisciplinary approach allows us to provide the ideal and most effective means of delivering the high quality care needed for our patients.

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Sleep & snoring ENT consultant
Improve your's and your partner's sleep quality and health.... we can assess your condition to find the source of snoring to recommend optimal treatment.

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What are our patients are saying about us?

"Thank you for carrying out my surgery. I felt confident, cared for and safe in your professional hands. I went to sleep relaxed knowing you would do your best to benefit my hearing"

- Mrs BC, Woldingham

"Dear Dr Harris, thank you for fixing my ear. I am very grateful. I will be glad to swim. You are the best doctor ever!"

- Madeleine, aged 8

"Dear Mr Harris, the operation has affected not only me and my wife, but also younger members of my family, with whom I enjoy conversations, where before it was impossible. I cannot thank you enough"

- Mr RS, Purley